Let's kustomize our manifests with style 🤩!
18/11/2023 , A002

Et si on rebootait le système de templating YAML dans le monde K8S?

Venez découvrir Kustomize, une alternative sur-puissante pour "templatiser vos applications" sans pour autant rendre illisible vos fichiers YAML 🎉. Nous verrons ensemble comment organiser le développement pour permettre l'extension, l'héritage et autres modifications de déploiement avec Kustomize.

A la fin de ce talk, vous serrez à même de déployer une app dans Kube, dans différents environments, de manière simple, lisible et accessible depuis la ligne de commande kubectl 😍 !

Voir aussi : Vidéo

Google Developer Expert on Google Cloud & Kotlin, Gitlab Hero, I am above all passionate about tech, languages, infrastructure, and automation.

On a daily basis, I work with languages such as Kotlin, Java, SQL, and YAML.
Leveraging the power of the Google Kubernetes Engine and GitLab's Continuous Integration, I deploy and manage applications seamlessly.

I am an ardent advocate of agility and DevOps, and I have had the privilege of guiding teams in adopting these principles successfully.

From code quality analysis to unit or end-to-end tests setup all the way to continuous deployment and operation, I ensure a project's journey from inception to production is smooth and efficient.

Currently, I serve as a Software Engineer at Gradle, focusing on the development of Gradle Enterprise. This groundbreaking product enhances developer productivity by reducing build and test times, while also providing valuable insights into all aspects of the development process."

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